annus sacerdotalis

B. Michele Rua    versione testuale

One morning in 1847, Saint John Bosco was handing out medals to children he met on his way. A boy about 10 years old shyly planted himself in front of him and held out his hand. «Oh, it's you, Michael! What do you want?»—«A medal...»—«A medal? No. Something much better.»—«What?»—«Here, take it!» And saying that, Don Bosco held out his left hand, open but empty, and with the other made a gesture of cutting his left hand in two, offering him half. «So—take it! Take it!» But take what? The hand remained empty. What did he mean, the child wondered. Several years later, Don Bosco would explain the riddle: «My little Michael, in life, you and I, we will always share everything—sorrows, worries, responsibilities, joys, and the rest, all the rest, will be ours together.»

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