Annus Sacerdotalis - Annus Sacerdotalis - English
B. Ciriaco Elia

On January 2, 1871, the day before his death, Father Cyriac Elias of the Holy Family said to the members of the monastic institute under his leadership, «Why are you mourning? Every man, no matter who he is, must leave one day or another. The hour has arrived for me… Since my holy parents taught me to invoke often the holy names of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, their patronage has constantly protected me, and I feel that, by the grace of God, I have never lost the sanctifying grace received at my Baptism… Do not be grieved or disturbed by my leaving. Submit yourselves fully and wholeheartedly to the Holy Will of God. God is supremely and infinitely merciful… May perfect charity reign here among you… If you act in this way, you will give God glory and souls salvation, and our Congregation will remain nothing less than flourishing.»

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