Annus Sacerdotalis - Annus Sacerdotalis - English
B. Marie - Joseph Cassant

France, February 17, 1903. The anticlerical and antireligious war was at its peak. Georges Clemenceau, nicknamed «the Tiger,» received in his library Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard, the abbot of Notre-Dame de Sept-Fons. The laws expelling religious congregations just having been enacted, the abbot was pleading his Order‘s case before the very anticlerical head of the government commission charged with deciding their fate. After enduring «the Tiger‘s» ridicule and mockery of monks, the Father Abbot, visibly inspired, began to speak: «The Eucharist is the central dogma of our religion. It must have monks dedicated to adoring it. Christ is alive—He is present in the Eucharist. Mustn‘t there be a court to adore this divine King present among us? It is with our whole being that we chant, with our whole heart that we pray, because it is to Him whom we love that we chant. The Mass is the greatest event that can take place on earth. And the mystery of Communion—God, infinite Love, who comes to fill me with His own life! Alive with the graces of Communion, we want to pour out the benefits over all humanity through a joyously austere life, in union with the divine Crucified.» 

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