Annus Sacerdotalis - Annus Sacerdotalis - English
To participants in the European congress on the pastoral care of vocations

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I meet you with great pleasure, aware of the precious pastoral service that you carry out in the context of the promotion, animation and discernment of vocations. You have come to Rome to take part in a congress of reflection, comparison and sharing among the Churches of Europe on the theme: "Sowers of the Gospel of Vocation: a word that calls and sends forth" and it aims to imbue your commitment to vocations with new dynamism. The fostering of vocations is a pastoral priority for every diocese which assumes even greater value in the context of the Year for Priests that has just begun. I therefore warmly greet the Bishops Delegate for the pastoral care of vocations of the various Bishops‘ Conferences, as well as the directors of the national Vocations Centres, their collaborators and all of you present. 

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